18 September 2011

Remy Daen is 6 months old!

Dear Remy,

Today you are 6 months old and that means you have been with us for half of a year. Time sure does go by quickly!

This past month you have accomplished so many things. The greatest of them all? Crawling! You definitely started off pretty rocky, but you never gave up. Every time you were sitting on the floor playing with toys, you'd quickly turn over on your stomach and start rocking away trying to get somewhere else. One night I woke up because I kept hearing a thumping sound and lo and behold, there you were in your pack and play, on all fours, rocking away making the pack and play thump against our bed.

I'll admit that you still aren't crawling at an incredible speed, but you have certainly learned that in order for you to get to Stella {your favorite to crawl to} you have to move those hands and those feet. I'm a little scared of what's to come now because your Daddy was a hooligan when he was a kid and I think you're heading down that alley now that you're mobile!

Another fun thing for you? Bath time! I think before you used to just lay there and be confused as to what that liquid was that was touching you and making you wet, but now you sit up like a big boy and you splash all the water! I think I could leave you in the tub for hours and you'd be so happy splish splashing away.

I told you before that you are a good napper and that still continued this month, but I'm sad to say that we had to experience some bad sleeping nights. Apparently I have passed on my nightmares and night terrors to you my sweet boy. It breaks my heart to hear you thrash around and scream in the middle of your sleeping, but Daddy always helps out the best during this time. He reminds me that you're safe and that it'll end soon and that all we can do is comfort and love you and pray for sweet dreams for you. And that my baby, is exactly what I do every night. Did you  know that every night when I was a little girl, I would always pray, "Please Lord, bring me sweet dreams and no bad dreams."  It's something I did and still do sometimes and now Remy, I pray that same prayer for you.  I am happy to report that for the past 2 weeks you've been bad dream free! See? "God is bigger than the boogey man!" {that's a fun little diddy by Veggie Tales!}

I'm still nursing you, but I have started to give you a little food. Daddy wants me to be giving you tacos and rice already, but I tell him that's just going to have to wait! Your favorite food so far? Avocados! Grandma thinks this is so funny that I started giving you avocados, but I don't. They're healthy for you and I'm glad you like them. I can't wait to whip out the Baby Bullet and make you your delicious food. 

I love you Remy Daen and you certainly have made me a better person. I never thought the joy of being a Momma would be so immense, but alas, it's even more.  I know that you'll have a great 6th month and I can't wait to see what more you will discover.

Thank you for being my number one boy.

Your Momma,

Diaper {size 2}
Clothes {Carter's-6 months, Everywhere else- 3-6 months but they're all still too long!}
Shoes {size 2}
Height {will update tomorrow after Dr's appointment}
Weight {will update tomorrow after Dr's appointment}
Favorite Toy {jumperoo, alphabet stacking blocks, mirror}
Favorite Book {"Woof Woof, Noisy Peekaboo" }
Favorite Person {Stella}
Favorite TV Show {Gargoyles reruns that he watches with Daddy}

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